Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Pieces

You know me
and i know you
And through our life
i spent my time giving you pieces of me
hoping that maybe someday, for the first time in my life i would be an entire being.
A whole piece.
not just parts, but i would be entire. you would put me together.
first i gave you my tounge
my words
i let you hear me.
and you held it. like a gift straight from your gods themselves.
and you loved it.
Next i gave you the vision of me.
you looked at me.
and you saw me. you looked past scars. and black and white.
you saw me. And you stared at me. like i may disapere if you took your eyes away.
you saw me.
and you loved it.
then i gave you my thoughts.
I set into your hands, the thing that i was to embarrassed to show anybody else.
you held it, and you contained the wiild things living in those thoughts.
you tamed the thoughts.
and you loved them.
And one day i gave you my heart.
YOu smiled at me. and you loved me. my heart was yours.
you took care of it.
you were glad i gaev it to you.
youd wanted it for so long.
and it was yours.
and you loved me.
then one day i gave you my body.
I was scared.
but you held me.
and you told me you were scared to.
but you looked at me.
and i wasnt scared.
you held me, you loved me. you were happy. you wanted me happy.
and you loved it.
Finally i gave you my life.
I told you that you were the end.
you were where i wanted to be.
you told me that we were meant to be.
and yo ugave me your life too.
and we took our lives.
and we were careful wit them
we loved them.

But one night, you dropped all these pieces you had been holding.
You watched them fall, and you started to reach for them...
but something stopped you.
you stopped reaching.
you watched the pieces roll away.
you watched them fal int oa river
and you watched them get farther and farther away.
you watced but you didi nothing.
and i stood on the otehr side of the river, and i watched you.
i didnt care about the pieces.
i Watched you.
But i saw you were hurt.
But i aslo saw that you never looked across the river.
I felt tears roll from my eyes.
i felt them soak the ground i where i stood.
and i watched you watch my pieces.
with no tears, no frown.
just nothing.
i Watched you.
and felt your piece i had held onto so dearly, i felt it fall to the ground.
I lurched for it. it was too fast and i was too slow.
i ran after it.
i cought it.
I took it in my arms
and i held it tight.
i wouldnt let it fall away.
i had to keep it safe.
I looked up towards you again.
but you had already started walking away.
I called for you, but you wouldnt turn around.
yOu kept walking.
Finally i just watched you
you walking away.
and i cried.
i cried
i cried.

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